• To test one phase induction motors, three phase induction motors, slipiring induction motors
• To test Cables
• To test installations, test report and industrial installation test.
- 2 Week
- 13
- Grade 9
• Calculate total resistance.
• Calculate total current and total voltages
• Calculate Power
- 1 Week
- 5
- Grade 9
Contactors and Relays
• To understand the function of contractors and relays, and different time relays- on delay and off delay.
• Complete different circuits truth tables.
- 4 Days
- 5
- Grade 9
Design and Wire Cirucits
Understand sequence starting, Ossilating Panel, Three Phase Forward Reverse, Kilowatt Metering, with balance load, current and potential transformers, Selector Switch Star Delta, Dual Speed, One phase forward Reverse (F/R)
- 2 Weeks
- 13
- Grade 9
Test and Wire Motor Starters
• To understand different automatic star delta starters.
• Understand Auto Transformers Starters and resistance starter.
• Understand dual speed motors.
- 1 Weeks
- 13
- N2 Electrical Engineering
• SABS 101 42 Regulations
• Wiring of installations and distributions
• Calculate estimated and connected loads
- 1 Weeks
- 11
- Grade 9